How do you define success? Some people define it in terms of money, raises, education, awards, […]
  We all have things in our life that have caused us hurt and great pain. […]
No one can control your mind, your day, your thoughts unless you give them that control. […]
  A long time ago used to play a lot of online video games. One in […]
  Being healthy and fit is not simply about “looking good,” it’s about feeling good… it’s […]
  Your marriage is what you make of it.   Too many of you are waiting […]
  All of life and everything in it… has its season. Sometimes, even the people in […]
When we stop to remember the things we are truly thankful for, it can totally change […]
We CHOOSE to be! It is a choice every day. We CHOOSE to love each other! […]
Yeah, this is our life… lol… puppies, sunshine, fun, etc. Does this mean we never face […]
I talk to people every day who find themselves in an “unhappy” situation. Maybe they are […]