The cure for the depression that nearly took my life over a decade ago?   […]
Truth! So many of us live our whole lives in our comfort zones, where things are […]
Shoutout to all my fellow Nurses!!   I have so much love, appreciation, and respect for you […]
Remembering not just WHY I do what I do… remembering WHO I’m doing it for… When […]
  Sometimes it’s hard to trust or have faith, when you can’t see what’s ahead, when […]
  Every. Single. Day. You have to pay the rent. If you don’t, someone else will […]
  A year ago at this time, I was in a j o b that was […]
Our team! We are changing the world, one life at a time, one day at a […]
This is so true, in so many areas of one life. Have you ever started a […]
Last year in Cancun with our team… Great times, great memories, let’s go back! When you […]
16 hour shifts. 12 hours shifts. 8 hour shifts. Weekends. Holidays. Nights. Emergency shelters. No raises. […]
Our 21 day reset journey is over… Before pictures don’t define you… And after pictures don’t […]
Tips on Beating the Summer Blues- You CAN DO IT!!    It’s Summer Time! Which for […]
…part of my decluttering for today included decluttering a part of my life, our lives, that’s […]
Do you know what CRAFFL stands for? It means Crazy Ridiculous Amazing Fun Filled Life! Is […]