1⃣ 30,000 debt paid off 2⃣ Several vacations a year 3⃣ Never worry about bills […]
  Being healthy and fit is not simply about “looking good,” it’s about feeling good… it’s […]
  Men, it is just as important to show her TODAY how worth your pursuit she […]
  If you are what I call an “over-thinker,” you KNOW the hell that can live […]
  Ever wonder how to hit the “reboot” option on your life? Sometimes we get so […]
  As kids, we are all awesomely optimistic. We believe we can do anything. What happens […]
  Understand, we became Coaches before we got in the shape we are in today. We […]
  Today, take the time to try and understand where every person you interact with is […]
  Mark 9:14-29 talks about a young, demon boy whose father brought him to Jesus in […]
  For those willing to do what it takes, we ARE the answer to Job Creation […]
  Your marriage is what you make of it.   Too many of you are waiting […]
  All of life and everything in it… has its season. Sometimes, even the people in […]
Bottom line is that what we have as coaches is something that changes lives… fitness, nutrition, […]
This was from the Warrior Dash last year. First time we did it, not the last! […]
  I. Am. Strong. 💪🏼 It doesn’t matter what the tape measure or scale says in […]