I am a HUGE advocate for saying NO to things in my personal life…. I used […]
If you’re heading to a shelter, or ever have to, here’s some things I’ve learned over […]
  It can be so hard to stay on a routine or on schedule of a […]
  You decided it’s time to get healthy!  Time to dust off those tennis shoes and dive […]
This picture may not look like much to you, but let me explain. I got a […]
Most of the time it’s because we CHOOSE to let it! Ouch! Strike a nerve? Good. […]
How do you define success? Some people define it in terms of money, raises, education, awards, […]
Failure leads to success…. You’re not always going to succeed the first time you try something. […]
Ever meet that one individual who just meets you every day with a scowl like they’re […]
  We all have things in our life that have caused us hurt and great pain. […]
No one can control your mind, your day, your thoughts unless you give them that control. […]
Workout with your spouse… it’s fun, it’s stress relief, it makes you feel better about yourself, […]
  MEMORIES… So many lost so much in the flooding here in Louisiana. We hear from […]
“Many people never see God’s miracles in their lives because their feet are planted firmly on […]
  “It may seem like God is nowhere to be seen, but maybe God is setting […]