One of the greatest gifts I’ve ever been given… a REALITY CHECK!
So here’s my gift to you…

Whatever that thing is that you’ve been putting off… that thing that you want SO bad to do or accomplish…. that decision you’ve been holding back on… that example you KNOW you need to be setting for your kids…



The most admired people in my life have, at some point, told me something very similar. Had they not, I would not be in the extremely blessed position I am in today.

I have a beautiful, amazing, wonderful wife who loves me. I made it through a depression that almost took my life. I made it through the deployment after having been married only seven months. I took a 45 minute beating to receive my first black belt. We lost 30 lbs and kept it off. We took a small trip that changed the course of our business and created an extra full time income quickly.

You have to be willing to hear the honest truth and face it down in order to know what must change and change it.

Had I never been faced with the honest truth, I would never have been saved… but thank God He broke my heart in order to heal it in Jesus Christ.

So whatever is holding you back… face it down today and start living the life you are meant to live… the one you were made for… and if you don’t know what it is that you need to face down… ask someone you love and trust to be 100% honest with you and then HEAR them.

If you don’t have that, let’s talk about how joining us and our team can put you in that environment of growth!

How To Join Our Team




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