Smiling people!

“Your PROBLEMS are either your POWER or your PRISON” – Trent Shelton

Trent Shelton

The problems SO MANY face today can become one of two things… they can become your PRISON or your POWER!

Sadly, most spend their life in the former… their problems become their prison. They LIVE in unforgiveness, holding on to the hurt that in many cases the other person let go of YEARS ago. They see their physical limitations as a wall that can never be broken down. Failure in any form seems to be the FINAL word instead of the learning opportunity to do better next time.

But have you ever wondered how so many people seem to prosper through problems… how they overcome through crisis and challenge? And how “on the other side” they come out POWERFULLY CHANGED?!


Because they understand this principle. They choose to LEARN and GROW through their crisis instead of just endure it. They solve their problem or push through it and then they bring the lessons they learn to others to HELP them make THEIR challenge, problem, or crisis a bit “easier” to navigate. They INSPIRE HOPE in people who NEED it.

Now understand, those people would never have chosen to go through the challenges they faced, the HARDSHIPS, the CRISIS… nor do they wish for their problems so they can “make money.”

But the market PAYS for what it VALUES!

I have a GOOD understanding of how our business works in certain areas/strategies to help maximize income… where many others find it difficult to grasp. I’ve even been asked, “why don’t you offer to TEACH people that!! Heck I WOULD PAY YOU to teach me!”

Brandy and I help people through starting their health/fitness journey. How are we able to do that? Because WE overcame our physical challenges, our busy schedules, our finances… and succeeded in achieving our goals… when we had NO REAL CLUE how! Now people COME TO US for HELP because they know we DID what THEY want to do and we can help them NOT WASTE TIME trying to figure it out on their own!

What PROBLEMS have you solved or overcome that people would GLADLY pay you to help them with? YOU may not think or see something you have accomplished or overcome as something people will pay you for… but think of it like this… what have YOU overcome, accomplished, etc., that you can HELP people through?


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