If I add anything else, my HEAD will explode!

Or will it?

“I don’t have time,” or “not now I’m too busy.”  What are people really saying? That it takes every single minute of every day just to “keep up” with daily life… that their lives will fall apart if they try to add even 1 extra thing to it?

Here is the truth of the matter.  EVERYONE has exactly the same 24 hours per day… the same 168 hours per week.  Whether you are the President of the United States of America or the paper boy, we all have the same amount of time.

If we all have the same amount of time, how do some seem to get far more done with that time than others? The key is how you use that time.


Let’s take a close look at this idea of time.

The average person spends:

  • 51 hours/week sleeping
  • 50 hours/week at work, counting commuting time
  • 15 hours/week eating on average
  • 24 hours/week reading, relaxing, watching TV, playing with the kids, exercise
  • 4 hours/week things like going to Church or watching a football game

Total: 144 hours

168 hours/week – 144 hours/week = 24 hours/week unaccounted for

What could YOU do with 24 hours/week?

Take the example of mother of 3, wife, and very successful business woman Maria Kang.  She has a list of “excuses” apart from time, which being a mother of 3 I can imagine would be easy to say she had no time.  However, she finds a way to make it all work.

A good friend of mine, Danny S., was working shift work with a wife and 2 children at home, and still found a way to take care of his health and fitness and lose 50 lbs in 90 days.

How did these people accomplish these things? By knowing what was most important to them and eliminating what wasn’t.

How do YOU “find time” to do what it is you want to do?  You don’t… you MAKE TIME.  Decide what is and what is not important, make a plan, and stick to it as best you can. Take that 1st step, and each day after that take another step.

Basically we can be a slave to time or we can make it work FOR us. The choice is 100% up to you!

What will you do?

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