

You’ve heard of Insanity? Well after Insanity, comes Asylum. Why in the world would I want to do programs with these crazy names? They just sound scary don’t they!?!

Well, the reason I do the things I do, is simply because I want to keep challenging myself to do better, to get better, and I just want to keep going. I love the challenge of a new program, especially programs like these. They are intense, they are hard, but they are totally doable if you just put your mind to it and commit to succeed.

Now I’m not Shaun T, nor will I ever be as good as him. I’m not trying to be. I just want to be ME and do the best that I can do, not him, not anyone else. I may not be able to keep up with the videos and I may not always feel like waking up to workout, but I always feel better once I’m done, and knowing that I pushed to the best of my own ability.

If you’ve never done Insanity or if you have and want to do Asylum, let’s get you started today. I promise you will be in the best cardio shape of your life after finishing Insanity!!! And Asylum, well so far it’s been a whole different ballgame!

So are you in, or out? You don’t have to be great to start, you just have to start! ….Decide, commit, succeed. We all start at the beginning…..


Your Coach,
Brandy 🙂



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