Compounded Penny – Compounded Life

We often live life afraid of or hesitant to make what we think of as big decisions.  But, what we have to understand is that it’s not always the BIG decisions that have the greatest impact on our lives.

Take this example… which would you prefer?

$3 Million today or 1 penny and double it every day for 30 days?


Most would likely go for that instant gratification of the $3 Million… right? I mean, it’s THERE and you can spend it now!

But, let’s take a look at the compounded penny.

At first, and for a while, it seems like you’re getting nowhere.



Week 1, you only have 64 cents to your name… BUT
Week 2, you see a pretty significant change… $81.92.
Week 3, your good choices become more evident…$10,485.76
Week 4, NOW we’re talking!.. $ $1,342,177.28

And only 2 days later? Those small seemingly insignificant decisions consistently repeated over time add up to an overwhelming $5,368,709.12.

Daily decisions in life add up MUCH the same way!

Our minds, for example, work in much the same way as our muscles.  As you work a muscle more and more, it will become stronger and better at what it does.  Your mind will too.  If you feed your body consistently with things that are not good for it… those small daily decisions will add up to a lot of extra weight over time.  Your mind, fed with negative thoughts and influences consistently over time will eventually learn to focus on the negative only.

However, the effect of negative decisions can be reversed…

IF you feed your body and mind what is good… healthy food, every day, over time… it will begin to become healthier… there will be weight loss… more energy… etc… You mind will become more positive… you attitude improve… you will be happier… IF you feed it positive things every day over time.

The change doesn’t have to come all at once.  You just simply focus EVERY day on making small, good and positive decisions toward a goal.  Every day, each decision, ask yourself, “will this get me closer or farther from my goal?”


In the beginning, however, much like the example of the penny… it will seem like you’re not making progress.  But, if you are consistent… making GOOD and POSITIVE decisions… every day… making it a way of life… soon you will SEE and FEEL changes in your life… however small.  Then, others close to you will see it.  Keep it up and everyone else will see it too.  They will SEE and FEEL the difference in you and before you know it… much like the penny, you will be overwhelmed at how much your life has CHANGED.

All because you chose to make positive, consistent, seemingly insignificant changes over time.


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