Boxing strategy… use the jab to set up the hook.
But if you know that strategy and those 1st couple jabs come in… you also know that hook or cross is on it’s way. And when you expect it, you can counter it. You see, it’s not enough to just avoid the punch if you want to win the fight. You have to counter and even go on the offense.
If you have a calling to a goal or dream… you have to have the focus and right mindset in order to stay on track. Negative attitudes and influences are ALWAYS on the offense to take you down. People who aren’t ready to join you on that “higher level” will try to keep you on their level.
Developing the mental tools and the mind set to handle adversity enables us to stay on track, to recover when knocked off our feet, to counter the negative attacks, and even to counter our own negative beliefs about others and ourselves. Remember, avoiding the attacks isn’t enough… COUNTER disbelief with belief… negativity with positivity…
Our mind set… our ATTITUDE… is everything to our progress… DEFEND it with everything!
Romans 12:2 talks about “renewing” our minds. Why? Because that is where our most impactful battles are fought… won or lost. And by filling our minds with the tools (in this case God’s Word) to counter the enemy, we have the ability to counter EVERYTHING he can throw at us and not just survive the battle, but, CONQUER IT!
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