“If you want to keep getting what you’re getting, keep doing what you’re doing.” ~ Les Brown

How PROFOUND this is! Think about it.

  1. You stay tired all the time? Keep on not getting enough sleep, eating unhealthy, not exercising.
  2. You want to have trouble paying bills all the time? Keep spending what you don’t have or buying things you don’t need.
  3. You want to stay overweight? Keep doing nothing to change it, overeating, not seeking help, or sitting around when you could get up and moving.
  4. You want to continue thinking life is crappy? Keep hanging around the same crappy-thinking people, watching the same crappy TV, and gossiping the the same crappy-minded judgmental people.

“For things to change, YOU must change!” ~ John C Maxwell.

Think about that.

  1. YOU are responsible for your negative attitude… don’t like it? CHANGE IT!  Get help if need be!
  2. YOU are responsible for your overspending… can’t pay bills? Spend more wisely, sell junk, start your own business, learn to live on necessity not desire.
  3. YOU are responsible for how you treat your body… rest, exercise, eat healthy, stop wasting time and $$ drinking EVERY weekend!
  4. YOU have the choice of friends and who you hang out with… YES, you do!  If it’s family, limit access or establish boundaries that say, “I’m not going there with you in this conversation.”



3 years ago, we were overweight, bad attitudes, growing tired of where we were, tired of having a challenging time with bills, tired of not spending good time with each other.  What did we do?  We started our own business and earned a 3rd full time income.

Now, we are healthier, happier, more positive, and growing every day toward our goals.  We take several vacation trips per year.  We spend time working on ourselves and our marriage.  We have friends who lift us up all the time!

Maybe this is something YOU need?  If so, let’s talk!  Contact us at ClientCare@ItsTheMartins.com today and we’ll be in touch!  Or, click here for quick access to what and who we are! ITM Contact


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