Have you ever felt like you got “off course” in your life? That you just weren’t sure where you were heading? Career just wasn’t where you wanted it. Marriage not as fulfilling as it once was? Pondering The Possibilities
If you can’t see the future you want to make happen, you’ll have a tough time getting there because there is no clear path to follow… nothing to go toward. It would kind of be like telling and archer to hit a target without telling him what it actually was.

We need to start day dreaming again about what we want… allowing ourselves to imagine the way we want our life to look… and then write it down. This step is important because if it STAYS in your mind it’ll never live in the real world! 

Writing it out, that big picture, makes it more “real” as it gives the mind something to get hold of.

Once you have that down on paper, and I don’t mean the computer I mean paper, start breaking it down into chunks (goals that need to get done in order to make the big picture happen). If any one goal seems TOO big, break it down into smaller goals until each one is only a few steps.


I’m so thankful for my team and the AMAZING people I’ve chosen to surround myself with who make me THINK about what it is I truly want in life and then holding me to my goals and the plans to get there. I thank God for this amazing business that is my LIFE!

What are YOU dreaming about?
Coach Bryan 


#QuestionOfTheDay #ItsTheMartins #CountryLife


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