The Day I Said “Hi”


18 years ago if I hadn’t taken that “first step” toward this beautiful woman, I’ve no idea where I would be today.

But see, you have to understand something about me. It took everything I had in me to ask out my high school crush the first time. I felt like I’d have a heart attack… and she was someone I’d all but grown up with.

So, you can probably imagine it wasn’t an easy thing for me, especially someone I didn’t really know at all. I was scared to death to talk to her but I did.

We were in Communications class together when we first met. I thought about talking to her the whole time we were in class together that day and had no clue what was going on beside her!

Would I “chicken out” yet again? When class was dismissed I almost let her walk by, but, I took that step toward her and said, “hi.” The rest is history that I wouldn’t trade for anything. We have had our ups and downs, but, I love Brandy more than I thought I could ever love another.

Every day we are all faced with opportunities. That day I took mine and have now been happily married to my BEST FRIEND for over 10 years.

Now your opportunity may be something completely different in nature but scare you the same way that first step did me. You may be wanting to do something big! But, you may think you just don’t have what it takes. You may have the opportunity to change careers but believe you just can’t at this stage in life. You may believe you’re stuck in your current situation… be it work, your marriage may be “on the rocks,” your weight may be out of control, your health may be going down hill fast, you may have lost that “fire” for life… you may KNOW what you have to do to make things better but are just scared to do it.

Imagine what might happen if you take that first step… and then take another step… each day taking another step… you CAN dig yourself out.

Maybe it isn’t a “challenge” you’re facing. Maybe it’s that “first step” toward someone.  Imagine how life can be with just a step. For me it was a blessing I could never have imagined.

So today, take that first step!  It may change your life in the best ways for years to come!

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