Fit Tip of the Day: BREATH!!!!


Duh right? Well, you may be surprised how much even the seasoned fitness people forget this.

In my martial arts training early on, I would often get tired within the first few minutes of sparring.  I’d get winded and worn out fast.  One day one of my instructors taught me to focus on breathing, the ENTIRE time.  Steady and smooth breaths from the diaphram (the belly).  Not only was I able to spar longer, but, more focused.

It can take time and concentration to develop this discipline, but, if you keep doing it, every workout, or in anything that requires physical exertion, you’ll start noticing you do it without “thinking about it.”  This steady and even supply of oxygen to the body, as opposed to the rapid “huff and puff” breathing that delivers next to nothing, will leave you with better energy as well.

So BREATH people!!  When you’re exercising… BREATH!  When you’re stressed, anxious, nervous, or scared… take a deep breath, hold it 5 seconds, then repeat 5 times.  When you’re happy, BREATH!  When you’re sad, BREATH!  

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