
After 1 week of eating clean, drinking Shakeology, and working out 30 minutes a day- here are our week 1 results with P90X3….

Bryan lost 5.4#, lost 1 inch off his chest, and 1.5 inches off his waist.
Brandy lost 2#, .5 inch off off her chest, waist, hips, and each thigh.

We feel much better in general this week as well, just by cleaning up our diet and getting back on track. We feel less tired and sluggish, have more energy, and are happy to be fueling our bodies properly again.

Here are some comments from some of our challengers after the 1st week:

  • I had never done p90x or x2 so I really didn’t know what to expect but I have to say I have am loving it and have lost 2 inches so far, which is awesome for me because I never lose anything that quick. I do have to do modifications since I have plates in my arms but still a good sweat and workout! ~ J.C.
  • I am a beginner and obese, I do the modifications and some things I can’t do at all. 20 minutes into it I am exhausted, drenched in sweat, and out of breath-but I push through, cause after all- it is JUST 10 more minutes. ~A.C.
  • I can say workouts are good. Tough but manageable, even if you’ve never worked out with Tony Horton before.  It moves along quickly and at the end, when you feel you are just done, lo and behold, the workout is done. ~B.C.
  • I love it! I loved X and X2, but this reminds me of a traditional P90X workout in only 30 minutes! I noticed inches lost from my chest and waist (one inch in both, so 2 inches total!) after the first week! (I didn’t think I would see those results because I am still breastfeeding!) I do still have to modify several of the moves, but I can already tell I am getting stronger! ~A.F.

So as you can see, we are all really enjoying these workouts! Shorter workouts, but just as effective and we already seeing results.

Please continue to follow our journey over the next 90 days. We will post updates often.

If you’d like to get started with us, we are happy to help. Leave a comment or feel free to email us at ClientCare@itsthemartins.com

Your coaches,
Bryan & Brandy
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